Friday, May 23, 2008


What is it about sunshine that makes everything seem OK? I think that even in our most stressful of moments, how we cope with a situation has a lot to do with whether the sun is shining or not.

I'm coming to accept that as we travel our journey we are having the experiences that are supposed to teach us our lessons. Some are more complicated than others. I've been told many many times I'm an 'old' Soul. I've also been told that I am a teacher, though not in the traditional sense of one-on-one or classroom.

My life for the past 6 months has been a little on the confusing side. Nothing seems to mesh. No matter what decisions I make, they don't work out. I totally believe it is because I have no sense of what it is I want, or what direction to go so the universe (God to me) allows for a multitude of opportunities and too many choices.

I think my job right now, and my only job is to be aware of as many as I can and when the right one is there, my focus will once again sharpen. It has never failed me in the past and there is no reason to believe it will fail me now or in the future.

I went to see my favorite Psychic the other day. She is not 'store front', she is only by referral and appointment. I know that the more open you are to the idea of someone 'reading' you, the better the experience. I used to go to card readers and not say a word because I thought that they 'should know'. For the past two years, I've been learning how to read cards. I'm not at all ready to hang out a shingle, but I will tell you that the more interaction you have with the person being read, the more you can 'intuitively' understand what the cards are saying.

Cards DO NOT tell you the future nor can anyone. Some people have a focused degree of intuition that allows them to 'see' things, but all of us are intuitive on our own. "Gut feel" anyone?

What 'she' said to me was that although my life seemed to be turned upside down right now, it is all necessary for this transition and not to sweat it. My answers will come from the various experiences I am currently having. There was a lot more, which I will not get into, but what it made me realize was that yes, my life is truly a journey and as much as we say it, we don't really understand what that means.

If you look at life as a 'path to be walked' then you will come to understand that ALL your experiences are the same as walking. In order to 'walk' somewhere you must put one foot in front of the other. Each experience is a step, it gets you closer to your goal but you don't really know what that goal is. Not goal in the tangible sense as in career, family etc. But your Soul's goal. You just have to trust and have faith that each experience is bringing you closer to it.

What does any of this have to do with sunshine? Nothing really, only that when the sun is shining, it is far easier to take that 'lighted' step.

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