Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Back in the Saddle Again

The decision has been made. But for completely different reasons.

Keeping my love of writing in mind, this week I went back to school...or at the very least I'm taking a class at St. Joseph's College in Rutland,VT. Funny thing about that is the very first college I attended in 1979 was St. Joseph's College in Brooklyn, NY. This, after having graduated from a high school run by the sisters of St. Joseph. What are the odds? I'll have to find out what St. Joseph is the patron saint of.

So I am back in the classroom setting some 25 years after my first experience (when I thought I already knew everything..HA). There is something about the smells in a school building and specifically a Catholic one. I closed my eyes that first day and the past rushed to become my present. It made me smile. I was such a geek. Anyone who has ever gone to a Catholic School can relate as I found out when I sent a text to a friend commenting on the 'smells'.

She replied with "OMG, I remember".

How I got here is in and of itself an interesting series of coincidences...and those you know me know I do not believe in coincidence. After a severe ice storm in December, I had to have my car unexpectedly serviced. CNBC talking heads were merrily droning on about this or that on the TV in the waiting room and instead of watching it like someone would the numbers ticking off the floors in an elevator, I wound up chatting with the only other person there. The conversation centered around business and the stock market. (I've been running from this for a year now). Turns out this person is a business professor at St. Joseph's. We talked about the school and its programs and he told me about the class I am now taking.

So, in keeping with the spirit of my blog, I'm letting life lead me to that next step. The class will give me a new way to approach writing and a much more structured format so that my brilliance can shine, or at the very least better work habits as I continue to work on my 'book'.

And who knows? Maybe there is a book signing in my future.

The experience will be terrific since now I'm in class because I want to be and not because I have to be but I don't expect it will be in any way, shape or form like Rodney Dangerfield's...after all...Kurt Vonnegut is dead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to see this blog is back in action again!