Saturday, January 24, 2009

Moons Phases and Retrograde Planets

There are times when it feels as though I am beating my head against a wall. Nothing, and I mean nothing seems to go smoothly. No matter what I do, no matter what I need to do, it seems like it is a struggle full of petty annoyances.

I used to think that perhaps it was just a phase but now I know the truth. Apparently it is planetary action that wrecks havoc on my simple existence.

Being a Virgo I am classified as a perfectionist so when things don't go as planned I tend to get pretty peeved. I don't throw tantrums, certainly not my style, I'm too much of a lady. But lest you think I let things just roll off my back no one has ever accused me of not speaking my mind.

What seems to be the culprit in the short term is that Mercury (ruling planet of Virgos and Geminis) is in retrograde...simply meaning that it seems to be going backwards. That is what is going on, forward motion seems to have been reversed and it is like hiccuping your way through life. Luckily this charming phenomenon will only last another week but I can certainly look forward to it a few times a year.

Having something to blame for the inconsistencies that are occurring cuts me some slack. After all, its not really me, its my planet.

The other truly fun period is during a full moon. I wonder if I have werewolf in me somewhere. The next time people are acting this side of odd, pay attention to the moon cycle. For me, I tend to stay home and hibernate in order to avoid craziness. I for one noticed I get fairly moody and all those years I thought it was PMS it was actually the moon.

So I'm going with the flow knowing that in a few days things will go back to normal.

I hope

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