Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dance Along Your Path

I am taking this opportunity to wish you all a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year.

The past year has been a study in turmoil, transition and perseverance. I've made it. I'm still here and still kicking. As I continue on this journey called my life, I am slowly shedding the skin I lived in for the better part of the past many years. My old life is still a part of me, albeit getting smaller. I have learned it is impossible to completely toss aside what was and I'm not even sure that I'd want to. Do I miss the old? Sometimes. But I would never give up the experiences that have come to pass in the past 12 months.

I've come to the point where I do not question things much anymore. Answering the 'whys' no longer appeal to me. I'd rather spend my time appreciating each new experience and with that the new energies that flow because of them. Sure, I'm like everyone else in that I periodically get caught up in the mundane, but the strides away from that are getting wider.

The promise of a new year always brings with it a promise for change. We just have to remember that the journey never ends with an intended goal, rather with enjoying the steps along the way. Everyday strengthens my conviction that the signs that point us in the direction we are to follow are everywhere. Being aware is the first step to finding the pace that works and even that can only happen when we are ready.

It is like dancing. We get to choose whether we are tangoing or fox trotting our way along.

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