Friday, January 23, 2009

I Should be Doing......

The decorating frenzy has hit me again.

Early last year, when I moved up here permanently, I put all my 'other' worldly belongings in my finished basement which up until today looked like the aftermath of a UPS truck explosion. Boxes and boxes of this and that strewn all over the place. It would give me a headache just passing the main room to do laundry.

The boxes didn't really have anything important in them, as I found out when I painstakingly went through each one. Mainly they were the catch all boxes. You know, the ones that you wind up tossing all the stuff you have no idea how to categorize, yet aren't quite willing to part with at the time of the move.

Amazing how that changes when you are forced to make a decision.

Oh looky, a cork from a wine bottle shared with that special guy. If I remembered who, I may have saved it. But, be that as it may, it is now in the trash where it probably should have gone the day after consumption.

So I've spent the better part of my day clearing the clutter and preparing a now empty room...for more 'stuff'. George Carlin would be proud.

All this, by the way, to avoid my homework which requires that I write two poems in different styles. Like any major procrastinator, I do my best work under pressure. Hopefully that will still be the case as I ponder the words which should follow:

There once was a man from Nantucket......

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