Monday, February 2, 2009

Dear Phil

Ground hog day is upon us and low and behold we can look forward to six more weeks of winter.

Oh Joy.

Now when you live in northern New England there are two things that are a given.

1. It gets really cold

2. We get snow

I love it when I'm talking to someone wearing a T-shirt, light jacket in the middle of the winter and they say..."Oh my God, it is soooo cold out!!'

No. Really? I wonder why?

Lets have a looksy at the calendar shall we?

Yup...there it is. February. And oh yeah...we are in Vermont. Its cold? Really? What are the odds?

Sort of like being in the Keys during August and being surprised to find it is humid.

Do people forget WHERE they are living? Do they wake up one morning and discover that where they are is not where they thought they were? I'm in Vermont? No wonder its cold. I must have taken a wrong turn in Georgia.

So back to Phil, the groundhog and not the TV Psychologist.

Thank you Phil for giving me the heads up that I should not be looking forward to putting the fleece away anytime soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leave Phil alone.