Sunday, August 3, 2008

Did Ya Hear.....???

Personalities that exist in a large city, exist here as well.

The difference is that because of the smaller pool of individuals...the personalities seem more concentrated. I know the same types of people I knew back in NYC. The artistic type. The holistic type. The business type. The party type...I could go on forever but you get the idea. When you are like me and gravitate towards everyone of those personalities at any given time, you get a real feel for the makeup of a place and you find out that people are people no matter where you are. They have the same securities and insecurities here as well as there.

Living in a small town has some interesting conditions to navigate. For one thing people seem to know more about your life than you do and those assumptions are made mainly from hearsay. Its the one thing that stands uniform. The ability for people to talk and express opinions and judgements about what others are doing whether or not they are fact. Just because they don't actually see or hear something from me directly, doesn't mean in their eyes that the information is not true.

How is that possible? Well, I'm really not sure, but sometimes I will be asked a question about something I'm supposedly doing and am truly at a loss for an answer because I have no idea what they are talking about. That does not mean that there isn't an answer. It just means I don't have one but an answer will surely materialize whether or not the words are uttered directly from my vocal cords. So, I rest easy knowing that there is plenty of fodder to keep people (as well as me) informed.

As you are well aware by now, I hang out in one of the two local pubs in town. I'm not much of a drinker...most of you know that. But because it is such a small place, after many months I know almost everyone that hangs there too and its become a comfortable place to just be. Kind of like hanging out at a friend's house only with an endless supply of Miller Lite.

Early on I made it a point to not date anyone I met there. At the time my reasons were that it wouldn't be fair to get involved with someone if I knew I would be leaving Vermont in a few weeks. But now that its become apparent that I am not going anywhere for a while, I don't regret my decision because unlike the city...there is really nowhere to hide. (OK Mark...NOW do you get it?)

I'll walk into the pub on any given evening and come face to face with someone who I could have dated. Sometimes there are more than three of them present. Yeah, imagine that. What would they do? Compare notes? "What did she wear when she was with you?" "Did she wear that lace thingy?"

I mean really. Its bad enough that people talk about the life they think I lead, but do I want them talking about the life I do lead?

Because I tend not to be available. There have been a number of choice adjectives to describe me. Snob, overbearing (moi?), on my 'high horse', and best of all, a lesbian. Now, no offense to snobs, people who are overbearing, equestrians or lesbians. But one night, after I turned down an dinner invitation from a guy who I've come to know over the past few months, he actually said "No? what are you a lesbian or something?"

Yeah, I'm a something. A something that doesn't want to watch your face chew...anything.

So I've been given, titles, events, labels etc. It is quite comical really. Each person knows only a fraction of what I do so they tend to fill in the blanks.

Funny thing is I am entirely disinterested in what they do because I have my hands full keeping up with finding out what is going on in my own life.

PS: I've adjusted the comment field so that anyone should be able to comment without having to subscribe to Google.

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