Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Stop Me Before I Make Sauce

I have reached a new level of procrastination. I know, I know, everyone thinks I just do everything I say at the time I say it. Well yes, I eventually do (eventually is my new favorite word and you'll be seeing a lot of it) what I say...but not necessarily when I say it.

"Do or Do Not, There is No Try" - Yoda, is the way I live and maybe that is why I don't exactly go full steam ahead when doing something. The word try gives you the 'out' to fail.

A lot of thought goes into what I do and though it may seem that I am impetuous, in fact I'm not. It takes a while for me to make the commitment, but when I do its like a blur of activity and perhaps that gives the impression of impulsiveness.

But I am off on a tangent, as so often the case.

The morning is spectacular. Probably low 60's. Sun is absolutely blinding. The lake is still and the daily cacophony bird calls is the only sound I am surrounded by. My first thought upon awakening at 6:45 was "I'm going for a ride". Perfect morning for it. After all, this is why I am here in the first place.

I made my way downstairs to prepare my daily jolt of caffeine and to take care of Zia (walking and feeding). As I take the half & half out of the frig, I noted the package of ground beef on the second shelf. I'll have to do something with it today.

"Why not now?" asked the voice in my head.

As all thoughts of riding were put aside, but not too far aside, I went through my cabinets and frig and assembled on the counter, all the necessary ingredients (including freshly picked parsley) to make...meatballs.

Now, lest you think I make meatballs weekly, as does my Mom, I haven't made meatballs in...let’s see... forever. In fact I don't remember the last time I even considered making them. Further more, I would venture to say that when I bought the ground beef, the last thought on my mind was meatballs. It was probably more along the lines of hamburgers to grill. Yet, there I was at 7:15 a.m. on a Wednesday morning, elbow deep in ground beef forming little balls of delicious. I am convinced my neighbors think I've achieved a new plane of insanity...I mean...its not even Sunday.

It amazes me that I will go to many lengths to avoid doing something. I am sure I am not alone in that. But most will putter, do this and that. The gnawing thing in the back of your mind (which you shoved there) is there like a gnat that won't go away.

What is the big deal about missing a ride? Nothing really. Except until yesterday, I hadn't been on my bike in over 3 weeks and yesterday's ride was far from fun. In fact, I rode half my normal mileage and hated almost every minute of it. So instead of doing what I usually love, I would rather clean my shed this morning.

But I SOON as I finish this.

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