Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Change in Vantage Point

Where is it written that life is supposed to be perfect? Because if such a writing exists, I for one, would like to read it for myself and frame it so that I would be able to refer to it on a daily basis.

I gave up long ago wishing for perfection. As is the case, I live life day to day and deal with everything that comes my way...on its own merit. There really is no other way to do it. There are days that are truly terrific on every level. Almost as though the planets and stars align so that everything functions seamlessly. Then there are other days where no matter what I do, where I go or who I talk to, its an endless battle of futility. On those days I realize I should have checked my horoscope before I even got out of bed.

Everything we are bombarded with exploits the idea of the perfect life in such a way that if we aren't one of the seemingly lucky few who have plenty of money, the perfect career, the perfect mate, great health...etc, then there is something seriously wrong with us. If that is the case, then I am just this side of a lost cause.

Looking back on the past many years, from the outside it would seem like my life was perfect. It was far from it. My struggles and fears were (are) no different from anyone else's. As I watched my life as I knew it, unravel, it took a toll no matter what anyone thinks. The reality is we can't undo the past. Every choice we make brings us to where we are now so that we can only go forward from this point.

One of my favorite quotes is "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein.

Rehashing what doesn't work, doesn't provide an answer for what does. Accepting that everything that comes our way, is our own self prophecy, should make us take some responsibility for where we find ourselves. If we are constantly harping on the stuff that doesn't work, then we are stuck in that endless cycle. If something doesn't work, it most likely doesn't work for a valid reason. The key is to acknowledge the reason. Forcing it to try to make it work, no more makes that happen than slapping wings on a pig and expecting it to fly.

So instead of focusing on what is not as seamless as I'd like, I'd rather change how I approach it. Only then, can I be objective enough to make the adjustments that will in fact bring me closer to that media influenced life of pure bliss.


Gabrielle Bryant said...

The Einstein quote is fabulous! I'm a new reader and love your writing style so far.

** gabriellebryant.squarespace.com **

GreenSky said...

Thanks Gabrielle!!! Will do my best to keep all my readers continuously entertained!