Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Its Time

Here it is, the end of September and we are in the midst of foliage. With colors exploding everywhere the landscape looks almost magical.

I am lucky that the route I drive to work is along one of the most scenic in the area. Along with the colorful terrain, there are many more leaves on my patio than were there last week. And so the beginning of the dormant season has begun. Winter will be early.

Like in nature, in order to flourish and grow going forward, there are things that must die or be left behind. I think human nature is that we hold on to things at all costs and sometimes to our detriment. Maturity is understanding and distinguishing what is worth holding onto and what needs to be let go of. Things that aren't meant to be held onto find their way out of our lives when the time is right.

I have enjoyed writing this blog for many months now. It has taken me places I never thought I'd go. Exposing your soul for the world to see is an odd exercise but quite valuable. I have enjoyed the emails and responses that I've received. When people have told me that what I've written about affected them in some way then I feel as though my mission with this was accomplished. I also hope there were plenty of giggles at the silliness of some of the writing.

If you are in tuned with who you are, you will find that you as well are on a journey and sometimes where it leads you is nowhere you'd thought you'd end up when you began.

When I started this, I had no expectations of what the outcome would be only that I wrote from somewhere deep inside and hoped to express my own view of life. Our greatest teacher is life itself and all it has to offer. That education never ends. As far as my own life education, I have learned a few things this year.

- We are capable of anything.
- We can be our own worst enemy
- When we take ego out of an equation, we see the situation for what it is.
- We truly tend to hurt the ones we love the most.
- Perception is reality.
- The people in our lives are our greatest gifts.
- We can live comfortably and happily with far less than we think we need.
- Hope is the driving force within anyone.
- Our value is self imposed.

There is far more but you get the idea.

And so I've decided that today, September 30th will be my last post. I thank everyone who has read this and I am humbled by the responses.

Life continues to surprise me and my attention now has to be on other things that at the moment need my total focus. I am in the process of creating a website with similiar concepts and hope to launch that within the next 2 months. I welcome anyone to email me at Rcipr@aol.com for more information.

God bless and may we all find that amazing sense of peace and clarity that deep down we are striving for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well , ty for the ride and i look forward to your new adventure , which seems to happen quite regularly in ur life . LOL....keep smilin.....ur pleasingly (slowly but surely losing his) plump friend Mark S